Mrs. Smicky Priya Das is a RCI registered Clinical Psychologist based in Bangalore. She has an experience of 11+ years in the field of clinical practice. She is currently working with Cadabams Hospital as Consultant Clinical Psychologist. She has previously worked with multiple organizations as a Clinical psychologist like Tatahealth, Docs App etc. She specializes in psychological assessment, diagnosis and therapy of various neurotic disorders like anxiety, depression, OCD, phobia etc., and psychotic disorders. She specializes in child psychology dealing with both neurodevelopmental disorders and behavioural issues and also adolescent issues like anger management, relationship problems and addiction issues etc. She provides supportive psychotherapy, and couple therapy for various day to day life issues and relationship issues. She uses CBT, BT, Mindfulness, Psychoanalysis, and eclectic approach in providing psychotherapy to her patients.